Fortum Oyj

Fortum is a European power and gas company and the third largest producer of CO2-free electricity in Europe.

Bravura’s role

  • Bravura conducted an IR perception study as a third-party expert and on behalf of Fortum to gauge market perceptions towards the company following the appointment of a new CEO, launch of a new corporate strategy and the subsequent online Capital Markets Day in December 2020.
  • Bravura interviewed about 30 equity and debt investors and analysts on a one-to-one basis and summarisedthe non-attributable key findings and IR recommendations in an easy-to-read report that was shared with Fortum’s senior management.
  • The study focused on topics such as key drivers behind current valuation, key concerns, management and the company’s IR activities.

Fortum launched its updated strategy, aligned with Uniper, at its first virtual Capital Markets Day in December 2020. By conducting an IR perception study right after the virtual Capital Markets Day we wanted to collect direct feedback and hear detailed market views on all related central topics. As part of our on-going dialogue with the capital markets we wanted to benchmark our internal view with that of the market through an IR perception study done by an objective, third-party expert in the field. We were very pleased with Bravura’s quality of the work and their ability to understand and grasp the complex dynamics of our company and businesses, provide a succinct analysis of investor views, and deliver the report on agreed deadlines. The tailor-made report confirmed our view of the markets understanding of Fortum and is a useful tool to better understand the market’s expectations on Fortum for both the IR team and senior management. Concrete recommendations on how to develop Fortum’s IR going forward and the services we offer our investment community were also very useful.”

Ingela Ulfves, Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial Communications
Fortum Oyj