
Talenom offers its customers a wide range of accounting services as well as other expert services that support the business of its customers.

The role of Bravura

  • Planning and implementation of investor communications in two languages (FI and EN) in close cooperation with the company’s management
  • Production, publication and project management of stock exchange and press releases and financial reviews (financial statements bulletin, semi-annual reports, business reviews)
  • Arranging earnings announcements
  • Producing investor presentations
  • Information and support related to the Annual General Meeting in the production of materials
  • Maintenance and development of investor pages, updating of some channels for investor communications
  • Annual reporting support
  • Investor communication sparring and advice

The importance and scope of investor communications has grown due to, among other things, the increased interest of international investors. As the person in charge of communications moved to a new role within Talenom, we needed an experienced partner to support the planning and implementation of investor communications. As a continuation of our team, Bravura’s communication professionals understand the communication requirements of a listed company and are able to operate independently, flexibly and promptly. Outsourcing communications has freed up our own resources to develop business and support growth.”

Antti Aho, CFO
Talenom Oyj

Additional information

Anu Kuula

Project lead, partner

+358 44 582 6102